Friday, September 6, 2013

Ganoderma As an Alternative Treatment For Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition characterized by joint pain and swelling. This disease is commonly manifested by people in the ages of 40 to 60 and is highly predominant among women. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the small joints in the human body such as the hands, feet and wrists. The hallmark symptom would include joint stiffness and swelling in the morning. A person suffering from arthritis may have difficulty in grasping things, writing, walking, dressing, etc.

The use of herbal therapies has long been employed in the Asian regions. Japan, China and India have practiced herbal treatments through the years to cure diseases. Popularly known as reishi or ling zhi, Ganoderma lucidum is a leathery mushroom plant that has been used in Asian medicine for centuries. It is among the Orient's best elixirs. Here are some health benefits of Ganoderma:

It works systemically through the cell level.
It strengthens the human body's immunity and thus helps it fight off diseases and other infections.
It is believed to calm the mind and reduce stress.
It can be used by individuals on all ages from children to pregnant women.
It contains anti-aging elements that is helpful for maintaining that youthful glow.

Ganoderma is used as an alternative therapy for arthritis, insomnia, diabetes, gastric ulcers, hypertension and allergic reactions. According to recent studies, Ganoderma has immune modulating and anti-inflammatory properties that is perfect for treating autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders. Ganoderma is believed to reduce pain and swelling. It also helps modify autoimmune reactions in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Ganoderma lucidum herb has been proven to improve and intensify the alpha and gamma interferon in the body. This can effectively regulate your immune system.

How Ganoderma is used

The herb itself is very bitter and tough. In plain form it is frankly inedible. Because of this, those who want to experience the health benefits of ganoderma can do so in a number of ways be ingested in the body in several ways: via supplements or beverages such as healthy ganoderma coffees and teas. While easiest to buy products that are already ganoderma enriched, there is also a way to make an herb tincture out of boiling the mushroom. Ling zhi mushrooms are commercially available in the market these days in dried powder form, syrup, capsules, tea and tinctures.

You can make your own herb tincture by boiling 翻 ounce of dried Ganoderma mushroom in 3 cups of water. Be sure to chop the mushroom into tiny pieces. Let the chopped mushroom sit in cold water for 3 to 4 hours even before boiling it. Use cold water when soaking the herb to make sure all the nutrients are absorbed properly. Slowly bring the mixture into boil. Let the solution simmer for about 45 minutes and then cool down to adequate drinking temperature. With the use of a metal strainer or coffee filter paper, strain the entire mixture. Be sure to store your Ganoderma herb drink in a covered glass jar inside the refrigerator.

Ganoderma is indeed one of the best options for treating arthritis the natural way!

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