Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mercury Toxicity and Far Infrared Saunas

Effects of Mercury Poisoning are Devastating

Once it is in the body, mercury causes symptoms such as loss of sensation, vision problems, muscle weakness, loss of coordination, loss of memory, chronic fatigue and tremors. Research is linking mercury toxicity to rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, depression, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and many other conditions. Many doctors are now recommending the use of regular and infrared saunas to help the body begin to detoxify itself. The body knows how to fight - it just needs some tools!

Three Types of Mercury are Hazardous

Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive element on Earth, and the World Health Organization has declared that no level of mercury can be considered to be safe. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concluded in a 2001 study that III one in every 10 American women of childbearing age is at risk for having a baby born with neurological problems due to mercury exposure.

There are three important types of mercury, and each type poses a serious health hazard to humans.

The first type, elemental mercury, is a liquid that gives off mercury vapor at room temperature. This vapor can be inhaled into the lungs and passed into the bloodstream. Elemental mercury can also enter the bloodstream by passing through the skin.

The second type, inorganic mercury compounds, can also be inhaled as well as passed through the skin. Worst of all, inorganic mercury compounds can also be absorbed through the stomach if swallowed. Many inorganic mercury compounds are irritating or corrosive to the skin, eyes and mucus membranes.

The third type of mercury, organic mercury compounds, can enter the body through all three routes - lungs, skin and stomach.

Symptoms of Chronic Mercury Poisoning are Devastating

Exposure to any form of mercury on a repeated basis, or even from a single, very high exposure, can lead to chronic mercury poisoning! According to the New Jersey State Department of Health, there are three main symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning:

Mood and mental changes. People with chronic mercury poisoning often have wide mood swings, becoming irritable, frightened, depressed or excited very quickly for no apparent reason. Some people may become extremely upset at any criticism, lose all self-confidence, and become apathetic. Hallucinations, memory loss and inability to concentrate can also occur.

Nervous system impairment. The earliest and most frequent symptom of chronic mercury poisoning is a fine tremor of the hand. Tremors can also occur in the tongue and eyelids. Eventually, a person with chronic mercury poisoning may experience trouble balancing and walking.

Gum problems. The gums get soft and spongy, the teeth get loose, sores may develop, and saliva production may increase.

What Your Doctor May Not Be Telling You

In the book What Your Doctor May Not Be Telling You About Autoimmune Disorders, Dr. Stephen Edelson and Deborah Mitchell call mercury "one of the most common poisons to which we are exposed," noting its dangerous presence in our drinking water, the air we breathe, the fish we eat, and our dental fillings.

Edelson and Mitchell write that "once it is in the body, mercury affects both the immune and nervous systems by damaging neurons and the transmission of signals in the brain, causing symptoms such as loss of sensation, vision problems, muscle weakness, loss of coordination, loss of memory, chronic fatigue and tremors." The authors further state that mercury toxicity has been linked with rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, autism, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and many other conditions.

Sauna Benefits are Immediate from Detoxification

Yet, as Dr. Daniel Royal, member of the Nevada State Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners, points out, "While removal of amalgam fillings stops further poisoning from mercury fillings, you still need to detoxify the body to eliminate the residual effect from mercury that remains behind in the body. After all, it has been accumulating for as long as you've had amalgam fillings."

Dr. Royal calls the sauna a useful adjunct to safe mercury removal because it induces copious sweating. And, he notes, "You will derive immediate benefits from sauna detoxification, such as mental alertness, a sense of inner cleanliness, and enhanced well-being."

The Poison from Dental Fillings are 24/7 Terrorists in our Bodies

While mercury can also be found in such commonly used products as waterproof mascara, contact lens solution, and fabric softener, it can be argued that the subject of dental professionals' use of mercury in amalgam fillings has attracted mercury its most public attention in recent years.

According to information in the Alternative Medicine Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Environmental Illness, "Every year, more than 100 million mercury amalgam fillings are put into the mouths of U.S. dental patients, despite the fact that, in 1988, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency declared scrap dental amalgam a hazardous waste... Evidence now shows that mercury amalgams are the major source of mercury exposure for the general public, at rates six times higher than mercury from fish and seafood."

The book continues, "Since mercury vapors are continuously released from amalgam fillings, as long as you have mercury dental fillings, you inhale mercury vapor 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The resulting level of mercury in the body has serious health consequences. Research has demonstrated that the body's tissues, especially in the brain, kidneys, jaw, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and liver, absorb and store mercury."

As the public has become aware of such research findings, some people have begun insisting that their dentists use composite fillings, also known as "white fillings" as a non-toxic alternative to amalgam fillings. As well, some dental patients are demanding that their existing amalgam fillings be removed and replaced with composite fillings.

Mercury Must be Purged

In her book Detoxify or Die, Dr. Sherry A. Rogers writes, "Autoimmune disease, heart disease, high cholesterol and triglycerides, chemical sensitivity, allergies, antibiotic-resistant infections, depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, leukemia and just about any symptom you can think of have improved once sufficient accumulated mercury was removed from the teeth and body."

Sauna Detoxification Now Prescribed by Health Practitioners

Many health professionals now routinely prescribe sauna detoxification or sauna therapy. One reason is that far infrared saunas can effectively function at temperatures lower than those typically found in traditional hot Finnish saunas. However, because traditional or regular saunas can adjust the temperature and the humidity level, many sauna goers find that they sweat more in the Finnish sauna and prefer it to the infrared sauna.

The Proof Was in the Sweat

The sweat of the people who used saunas was part of a recent U.S. study. When the perspiration was analyzed, the non-water portion consisted of cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals like mercury and aluminum, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, and uric acid.

Mercury is the Most Toxic Non-radioactive Element on Earth

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that no level of mercury can be considered to be safe. Regular sauna use and sweating are the body's natural antidotes to reverse the damaging effects of mercury toxicity. Disclaimer: These comments are made educational purposes and are not meant to prescribe nor diagnose the need for detoxification.

Always Consult Your Doctor

Before you begin a sauna detoxification program, or if you suspect that you suffer from mercury poisoning, you should discuss your thoughts and concerns with a qualified health professional.

Bad Blood Circulation and RA - Is There a Link?

Rheumatoid arthritis is renowned for its galore of symptoms that manifest in many different ways. Bad blood circulation is yet another burning symptom that confines sufferers to their painful state while making them numb.

The link between bad blood circulation and rheumatoid arthritis is not very clear from a medical stand point. However, the number of complaints from rheumatoid arthritis sufferers alone stands as enough evidence to say that there is a clear link.

Bad circulation, as a matter of fact, can ruin your life forever if not treated properly. The common cause behind bad blood circulation is known as blockages in arteries. The arteries could block this way due to simple factors such as smoking and stress as well as due to eating habits that have to do with milk and carbohydrates. As a result, plaque deposits cause blood pressure to increase which can eventually result in fatigue and heart disease.

If you observe having rashes that don't heal and if you feel needles and pins in hands and feet or if you experience numbness after working on something, you are most likely experiencing bad blood circulation. If such conditions continue to occur on a daily basis or regularly after a particular activity, consulting a medical practitioner would be ideal.

Many people hold different beliefs about what can cure conditions such as bad blood circulation and rheumatoid arthritis. While the main focus lies in western medicine, more and more people seem to be drifting away from it to follow traditional medicinal remedies, nowadays.

If you've noticed symptoms of bad blood circulation for a while and if you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the same time, it may be a worthwhile effort to check out the alternative forms of cure.

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis and bad blood circulation, many people believe that western medicine does not offer cures; rather it is a way of temporary relief. If you search the internet, you will find many website that sell alternative herbal remedies for rheumatoid arthritis and bad blood circulation. However, you should also be very careful in pursuing such treatment methods off hand because many claims made by websites on the internet cannot be taken for granted.

If you are focusing on alternative medicine, it is best to consult a qualified alternative medicine doctor. Expert knowledge always serves well in making decisions with regard to your health. This way, you could easily follow through advices, discuss about possible repercussions and decide on what you'd like to do about your condition.

Apart from professional assistance, other non-harmful home remedies can be put in to use in order to ease bad blood circulation and relieve your rheumatoid arthritis pain. Primrose oil, being one such component, is most famous for its anti inflammatory properties that combat rheumatoid arthritis. It also carries properties that can improve blood circulation while preventing inflammations of the arteries. Isn't it great to have a single remedy for both conditions? Well, for your information, primrose oil is not the only multifaceted component that can ease your pain. So maybe it's time that you consulted an alternative medicine doctor to explore your options in depth?

An Introduction to Arthritis

If your joints are painful after a mild workout or you find it difficult to move in the morning, you may have arthritis. However, if you know what you should do about it, you need not worry.

Know that one of the first symptoms of arthritis is pain and stiffness- especially in the morning and after exercise. There are many different types of Arthritis, however in this article we will talk about the two most common types -- osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is sometimes called degenerative arthritis. The impact of it is felt on the weight bearing joints, hips, knees and back. It also frequently occurs in the joints of the hand and knuckles. Osteoarthritis is the deterioration of the cartilage that protects the ends of bones. It is mostly caused due to wear and tear from ageing, diet and lifestyle, though sometimes it may occur due to injury. This type of arthritis rarely occurs before age 40, and affects nearly everyone over 60 years.

Rheumatoid arthritis can start at any age, including childhood. It is caused by physical or emotional stress,
poor nutrition, bacterial infections, or genetics. It is an inflammation disorder of the immune system. That means it is a 'self-attacking-self' disease. It happens when the body's immune system improperly identifies the synovial membrane as a foreign substance. Consequently, the joint swells up, and damages the cartilage and tissues around the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is determined by using a combination of medical tests. While a blood test will indicate the probability of the presence of the disease, X-rays, MRI scans and bone scans are used to visualize the joints to check the severity and progression of arthritis.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, the doctors have a wide variety of treatment options to slow the progression and maintain mobility. They choose the one that promises the best results depending on other aspects of the patient's health.

Arthritis is not a new disease and much research has been done and is still being done to find a cure. This ongoing research is financed by The Arthritis Society. They track research trials and the latest breakthroughs on the medical front. They publish these latest finding on their website, as well as in their newsletter. If you have arthritis, you might want to research their website.

Alternate medicines have been found to be quite beneficial for arthritis. This includes physical therapy, whirlpool treatments, thermotherapy (moist heat), and joint exercises are used to increase mobility and prevent complications. Cold gel packs can relieve the pain of inflamed joints. A hot morning shower will often relieve morning stiffness.

You can reduce inflammation through certain foods in a natural way. For instance, a daily dose of 20 tart red cherries or fresh pineapple can relieve pain and inflammation. If you add asparagus, eggs, garlic and onions to your diet, you will be able to help your body repair and rebuild bone and cartilage. Other beneficial foods include leafy green vegetables, non-acidic fresh fruits, oatmeal, brown rice and fish.

You also need to watch out for allergies; they can trigger inflammation, and aggravate arthritis symptoms. So, if you have neck and back pain you must eliminate certain foods that you are allergic to.

Of course, there is nothing like regular, moderate exercise, such as walking or swimming for reducing pain and slowing the deterioration of joints. If you have excess weight, you need to work on it but when doing in any strenuous physical activity, remember to take rest in between so that you keep your strength, without damaging your joints.

Finally, when you see the first symptoms of arthritis, make an appointment with your doctor to find out for sure. Don't ignore it or wait for surer signs. You might wait too long; the sooner you take care of your joints the better.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and Treatments

Any kind of joint disorders definitely need certain medications and some medically indicated procedures to relieve muscle aches. But these kinds of interventions would never suffice to fully treat rheumatoid arthritis since there is still a need to know more things when it comes to its treatment. More importantly, experts must find accurate ways in dealing with this condition since it is believed to be a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation that affects various organs and tissues but mainly on the synovial joints. Pain is more likely to be experienced by someone having this condition as well as swelling on the affected part. Stiffness is also possible. In some cases, joints tend to lose their functions most especially if left untreated.

Experts have confirmed that this disease is a hereditary type. This means that it can run from generation to generation. Its causes may be due to the combination of some genes and other factors triggering the disease. The most common individuals who are unlucky to acquire this disorder are those having the human leukocyte antigen or HLA. This group of people have higher chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis compared to those who never acquired that particular gene.

There are instances when the symptoms of this disease can be intermittent or recurrent but it is typically reliant on the degree of inflammation. Sometimes, the disease only attacks the sufferer if the tissues are inflamed. The most common symptoms include: swelling in one or more joints, lack of appetite, body weakness, mild hyperthermia, severe pain in one more joints and morning stiffness.

Knowing that rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be a systemic type of disease, it is very important for everyone to fathom that the joints are not the only parts that can be affected. In fact, there are cases where other vital organs can be perturbed as well. To exemplify, this disease can also cause an inflammation to the glands located in the mouth and eyes leading to the dryness of the affected organ.

Today, the study of determining more causative agents of this condition conducted by several health care professionals is still underway. Nevertheless, it may only be a matter of time before the most accurate treatment can be discovered. Experts also concluded that an aberrant increase of uric acid is not the only triggering factor of rheumatoid arthritis. Other agents leading to this disease may also include: excessive intake of alcoholic beverages, dehydration, fever, surgical procedures and the adverse reactions of some medications.

Knowing that some causes occur during the activities of daily living, it is imperative for a person to do lifestyle modifications to dwindle the chances of developing this disorder. Such measures include: switching to a healthy diet, consistent physical exercises, moderate drinking of alcoholic drinks and parrying too much activities that are strenuous.

The bad news is that there hasn't been any type of drug or procedure that can completely cure rheumatoid arthritis. Nonetheless, certain drugs are available which can at least suppress the attack. By preventing the exacerbation of this disease, one could fully improve his or her quality of life.

There are also drugs that can prevent the attack of rheumatoid arthritis. However, many of these medications can have major adverse reactions so it is important for physicians to prescribe those that have lesser side effects only. Other forms of treatment can include: sufficient rest, physical therapy, good nutrition and some drugs to suppress the immune system.

Finally, it is always important to consult with your doctor if you are experiencing another episode of rheumatoid arthritis. That way, the doctor can immediately find a way to manage it.

Gelatin is a Natural Remedy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Is gelatin a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis? Gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis which is safe, has few side effects and it is relatively inexpensive. This article explains how gelatin is used as a simple and safe natural remedy.

Gelatin is a protein containing amino acids that are part of the components of connective tissue including cartilage. The theory if its use is that gelatin can help reduce the swelling that occurs in joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This can thus relieve the pain caused by the swollen joints and therefore gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

In a Harvard study of patients with long-term rheumatoid arthritis, a heaping tablespoon of gelatin was given to 29 patients daily resulting in arthritis remission within 90 days for 28 out of the 29 patients.

Gelatin can usually be taken safely, rarely causing only a few people upset stomachs. Gelatin is a natural remedy used daily in a dose of one heaping tablespoon mixed into water or juice along with Vitamin C if preferred.

Restaurant food suppliers sell unsweetened gelatin in pound or kilogram (2.2 pounds) quantities which is the most cost effective way to purchase it. One popular brand is Nutra-Joint from the makers of Knox Gelatin. However, unsweetened gelatin, available from your grocery store, may be used just as well.

The daily dose is a heaping tablespoon of gelatin in water or juice. Vitamin C may be added to the gelatin and water mixture.

Gelatin Preparation instructions:

- Fill a glass 1/4 full with cool tap water
- Sprinkle a heaping tbsp. of gelatin on top and let stand 2-3 minutes
- Add 1/4 glass of hot tap water and stir well
- Add another 1/4 glass or more of cool tap water and stir again
- A daily drink of gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis

As gelatin is a substance created from animal bones, skins and connective tissue, it is important to take note of this fact particularly for those patients who do not consume large quantities of red meat, are vegetarians or avoid animal consumption for religious reasons. In these cases, fruit pectin (used to make jams and jellies and commonly sold under the Certo brand name) may be successfully substituted in this daily treatment because gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

Is it a Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom?

A serious disease of the autoimmune system, rheumatoid arthritis mostly affects the joints. Nonetheless, since it is a systemic autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis may also affect other body areas. Here are some of the other symptoms that can be linked with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.


One area that may be unfavorably affected due to rheumatoid arthritis is the heart. It is common for fluid to collect near the heart as a result of inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Although such symptoms are frequently fairly mild, this problem may potentially develop into something more serious.

If severe inflammation occurs, it can affect the heart muscle. Coronary arteries may swell, making the heart muscle work harder. The lungs might also be involved in rheumatoid arthritis. Similar to the heart muscle, fluid may collect around the lungs, and the lung tissue may stiffen. Rheumatoid arthritis related inflammation can make breathing difficult.


It is not uncommon for rheumatoid arthritis patients to report small nodules that are formed under the epidermis, as one other area that may be affected is the skin. The majority of the time, these small nodules are located in close proximity to a joint area. These skin nodules become most noticeable when a joint is flexed.

Purpura is another skin condition regularly associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Purpura are purplish patches on the skin which develop due to damage to blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis can make blood vessels develop damage, triggering them to rupture and bleed into the skin, a process known as vasculitis. Another skin problem associated with rheumatoid arthritis are skin ulcers; they appear because of vasculitic lesions.


Rheumatoid arthritis can severely affect the body's musculoskeletal structures. As inflammation strikes the joints, muscles can become shrunken and weak. This is called as atrophy. The hands are the area most vulnerable to atrophy.

Atrophy is the result of not using a muscle or set of muscles for an extensive period of time. Muscles joints affected by arthritis are prone to becoming the source of discomfort, pain, and swelling. In turn, the patient does not use the stricken muscles, and this causes atrophy.


The digestive tract is also affected. The most common effect is known as dry mouth, which is related to Sjogren's syndrome. Most digestive complaints associated with rheumatoid arthritis seem to come as a result of medications taken for it. Typical digestive conditions related to these medications comprise stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief - Detoxify With Alkaline Water and Beat Arthritis Naturally

Disease is just nature's way of telling you your body is too acidic. Return it to a more alkaline state and nature will reward you with the healing you deserve. However, you must detoxify yourself to begin this journey. Alkaline water helps to cleanse you naturally, easily and continuously by neutralizing the excess acids in your body. Rheumatoid arthritis, though it is a disease, it is only a symptom that tells you your body is out of balance.

Think of your body as a fish tank and your cells and organs as the fish. When you feed the fish, the food is carried to them through the water. They eat the food, use it for energy and eliminate the waste back out. Over time, if you don't change the water in the fish tank the fish get sick and die.

Your body is similar to a fish tank. You are made up of 70% water, much of which is called interstitial fluid that carries nutrients to your cells. Your cells use those nutrients for food and then eliminate the waste back out into your fluid. Over time, your interstitial fluid becomes dirty, acidic and toxic. It's like needing to change the water in the fish tank. You have to clean up, detoxify the fluid in your body and maintain that detoxified state in order for your body to run efficiently. The fact that you have rheumatoid arthritis is a clear sign that your body is too acidic and too toxic. It is more acid than alkaline-it is out of balance.


  • Drinking alkaline water helps to neutralize the acids that your body creates when it metabolizes food (especially acidic food), pollution and other contaminants. Rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases love an acidic toxic environment. Clean up the environment and arthritis won't want to stay.

  • What goes in must come out. Alkaline water bathes your cells allowing them to absorb nutrients and flush the metabolic waste back out more efficiently. This allows you to detoxify resulting in a body that functions properly, a body that is not tired or crippled with arthritis pain.

  • Drinking Alkaline water helps you maintain a slightly alkaline state the way nature intended. Your cells and organs function at their optimum level in a slightly alkaline body. Rheumatoid arthritis feeds on acid. Starve your disease and you will be amazed at the positive outcome!

Water is our most basic substance, is a natural purifier and it is more important than food or any supplement that you could consume. Consume the right kind and it can help your body heal from just about any disease, chronic illness, infection or ailment. Alkaline antioxidant water is "living water." It has the properties of the purest health-giving water found in nature before the earth was polluted.

What Are the Joint Pain Causes?

There are many causes of joint pain, though the majority is from illnesses. Joint discomfort can also be felt from injuries, infections and some allergic reactions to medications. Treatment for joints will depend on the unique cause and situation. You may need to have joint replacement surgery, need to switch medications, or just take immune suppressant's. Most joint pain is destructive and degenerative, so you may need to change your activities or lifestyle to accommodate or find relief for the joint discomfort, depending on the severity.

Joint discomfort can be associated with pain, your nervous system, head symptoms, muscle symptoms, swelling, movement symptoms, skin symptoms, muscle weakness, fever, body temperature, stiffness, and fatigue. Some of these causes are very easy to treat while others cannot actually fix the cause, but allow you to function with the joint problems. Finger joint pain not only causes discomfort, but debilitation in some more serious cases.

Viral infections, the common cold, the flue and other bacterial infections all can cause joint pain. The many types of arthritis cause joint pain, from light pain to very sever and debilitating pain. The list of arthritic causes is extensive. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism, Reiter's syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, and inflammatory bowel syndrome are common culprits.

Some other common causes for aching joints are African sleeping sickness, east African trypanosomiasis, optic neuropathy, anterior ischemic, and West African trypanosomiasis. Severe joint pain causes are avascular necrosis, bartonella infections, bertonellosis, haemoglobin S/haemoglobin Lepore, Boston, Hemoglobin S/haemoglobin ), Arab, and Hemoglobin SC. Charcot joint pain, which is the degeneration of a stress bearing joint, such as your knee, is caused by repeated trauma, chronic haemarthrosis, chondrocalcinosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint redness, painful joints, joint inflammation, joint swelling and other joint symptoms are all associated with arthritis. Some causes of arthritis are acrodysostosis, Behcet's disease, Blau syndrome, Caplan's disease, Ciproflaxin, Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hypertostosis, Escherichi coli, Farber's disease, Bone fracture, Hemophilia type A, Hepatitis A, Kawasaki disease, Mayaro virus fever, Methimazole, mixed connective tissue disease, Mycoplasma pneumonia, obesity, PAPA syndrome, pituitary tumor, rheumatic fever, rubella, sickle cell disease, Streptococcus suis, raised Urid acid levels, West Nile fever, and Winchester. And that's just naming a few.

Gout related arthritis is a joint condition associated with the accumulation of urate crystals in the joints. It can be caused by familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy, juvenile gout, Kelley-seegmiller syndrome, lesch-nyhan syndrome. Rheumatoid arthritis which causes quite sever joint pain is caused by cartilaginous deafness syndrome, chromosome 22q deletion, chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, felty syndrome, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, human adjuvant disease, hyperprolactinemia, large granular lymphocyte leukaemia, systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and X-linked agammaglobulinemia.

It is important to remember that painful joints are a symptom of many different causes. You need to diagnose and recognize, rather than target the symptoms of joint troubles. This will help in determining why you are experiencing the discomfort in joints. Joint problems are commonly found in those 45 years of age and older. Most commonly rest, exercise, massage, stretching and warm baths can effectively treat nonarthritic joint issues. There are also anti-inflammatory medications that can relieve any swelling and inflammation. There is also special physical therapy for muscle and joint rehabilitation. You may need to have fluid removed from your joints to get rid of painful joints.

Without a doubt joint pain plaques millions of individuals. In some cases treatments or medication are effective in treating this problem. In other cases a more aggressive approach may be necessary. Regardless, new developments and technologies are making treatments more and more successful.

Chinese Medicine - Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases

A weakened and out of balanced Qi (pronounced "Chee") plays an important role in the development of allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune diseases are simply allergies against one-self. Examples of these diseases include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), dermatomyositis/polymyositis, systemic lupus erythmatosus (SLE), multiple sclerosis (MS), scleroderma, myasthenia gravis, Sjögren's syndrome, Crohn's disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis (a type of hypothyroidism), endometriosis (due to autoimmune ovaritis), chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS) and fibromyalgia.

A common complain of Qi deficiency is fatigue, and most of these autoimmune diseases present fatigue as one of their main symptoms. Another common symptom is depression, whether the weakened Qi causes the depression, or vise-versa is up for debate, but the existence of depression is a fact.

Qi depression and Qi stagnation cause imbalances between the energies of the organs, which manifest itself in specific symptoms such as pain, inflammation, irritation, vomiting, diarrhea and migraines to name a few.

If the depression, stagnation, and imbalance of Qi is prolonged the symptoms become more severe. Symptoms such as: loss of sensation on the extremities, loss of muscle control, paralysis, changes on the anatomy and structure of the bones, blindness and deafness, and extreme pain.

The treatment of allergies and autoimmune diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Chinese medicine, when we treat this type of disease, we not only strive to provide relief from the main symptoms, but also to treat what we believed to be the root cause of the disease; a weak and damaged Qi.

Often it is a Qi deficiency complicated by either Qi stagnation, a major imbalance between the energies of the internal organs, or a combination of all three that creates the disease. Patients with autoimmune diseases often have a long history of allergies, and they often present complicated patterns, which cause their treatment to be long drawn.

In order to improve their Qi, the patient must be willing to make changes to their lifestyle such as: reduced stress levels, make dietary changes, and learn relaxation techniques. In the Chinese Medicine tradition, we use acupuncture to bring the person's body systems back into balance, relieve stress and pain. And herbal supplements are used to nourish the organs that need it, and to extend the effects of the acupuncture treatments.

We also provide dietary advice that is suited to the individuals needs. In our modern world with our hurried life styles, the poor choice of foods we eat, and the high levels of stress we endure, allergies and autoimmune have become all too prevalent.

But these diseases do not have to rule our lives; we can avoid them, or bring them under control by making a few changes to our lifestyle. We need to watch what we eat, supplement our diet, and reduce our levels of stress. All that together with Chinese Medicine, makes these autoimmune diseases more manageable.

Why Does Arthritis Affect Women More Than Men?

Even though Arthritis does not only affect one sex or age group for some reason it tends to affect women more than men.

Below you will find out how Arthritis affects the day-to-day lives of many women across the globe:

Women with this condition find that their sleep will be affected more than if they were suffering with any other chronic illness.

Women who have Arthritis often do not have young children.

Depression is quite common amongst Arthritis sufferers, especially when compared with other chronic conditions.

Women are more likely to need help with their daily activities than men.

Around two-thirds of all Arthritis sufferers are female, which works out at around 41 million Americans.

37% of females have this condition, compared with only 28% of men.

Around the world there are 16 million women with Osteoarthritis. This figure is 3 times higher than the number of males with this condition. You will also find that this condition develops earlier in women too.

1.5 million or 75% of all Rheumatoid Arthritis patients are women.

African-Americans are more susceptible too with the development of Lupus 3 times more likely than Caucasian females.

Why is Arthritis so prevalent in women?

At the present time there is no clear reason why this condition affects women more than men. There are however a few suggested reasons that may be worth exploring in more detail:

Autoimmune diseases are more common in women.

Women have a number of hormone changes throughout their lives, for example through puberty, pregnancy and the menopause.

Often women are not as active as men, which raises the risk level of developing these types of conditions.

Women store more fat than men, resulting in higher cholesterol levels that have been linked with the development of Arthritis.

What's the best way to manage this condition?

Even if you have this condition this does not mean that your life is over as there are ways to help manage and alleviate the symptoms.

By taking a little time to research a suitable treatment will help to relieve the pain and inflammation caused.

You do not need to rely solely on surgery or prescription medication either as certain foods can help, plus there are exercises and techniques shown to help.

Finally herbal supplements are a great option to give you the relief from pain and a chance at being more active in your life.

The benefit of an herbal supplement is that unlike prescription medication you wont have to discontinue its use after a short amount of time.

An effective supplement can reduce the inflammation and pain and will be a safer option to those prescription medicines that often cause side effects.

What Therapeutic Treatments Help Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a general term denoting disturbances in the normal functioning of the peripheral nerves. The causes of neuropathy are varied and so is the treatment. Many a times, the neuropathy is almost irreversible and the treatment is mainly focused on preventing further progression of the nerve damage and other supportive measures to prevent any complications due to neuropathy.

Neuropathies due to nutritional deficiencies are mainly treated with the replenishment of the deficient nutrient. Neuropathies due to deficiency of vitamins like cobalamin, thiamine, pyridoxine, niacin are treated by giving the vitamin supplementation orally or by intramuscular injection of the vitamin if deficiency is due to defective absorption of vitamins from the diet. Treatment may or may not completely reverse the neuropathy and alleviate the symptoms and in many cases there is some permanent damage to nerves and persistent symptoms despite therapy. Recently neuropathy due to copper deficiency has also been discovered. It too is treated with oral copper salts or intravenous injection of copper salts. Again the response is variable and may take many months.

Entrapment neuropathies like carpal tunnel syndrome, radial neuropathy, meralgia paraesthetica, etc are treated based on specific cause and the nerve involved. Carpal tunnel syndrome treatment varies from medical approaches like NSAID (like Ibuprofen), local injection of steroids in wrist, and avoiding aggravating factors like typing in wrong positions, use of hand tools etc. If symptoms not alleviated by this approach, then surgery is also an option and is most often curative if no permanent damage to nerve has already occurred. Again, each neuropathy is unique and treatment is variable.

The treatment of neuropathies secondary to other diseases is the treatment of the primary disease causing the neuropathy. If neuropathy is due to Myxedema, caused by lack of thyroid hormone, then treatment is replacing the thyroid hormone. Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy is mainly supportive. In diabetic neuropathies, some forms like Mononeuropathies are reversible but most are irreversible. Strict control of blood glucose levels to slow the further progression is of paramount importance. Other treatment is based on the symptoms, like pain is managed with NSAID and many other drugs. Similarly the neuropathy associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis often responds to the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis (with immunomodulators).

Treatment of neuropathy due to food allergy is avoiding the allergen food item causing neuropathy. Neuropathy may also be due to toxic effect of certain drugs like Chloroquine, Phenytoin, anti-Cancer drugs and numerous others. Treatment in this case is mainly discontinuation of the drug or dose reduction. There may be some specific treatment in certain cases, like neuropathy due to isoniazid can usually be prevented by giving pyridoxine along with it.

Chiropractic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by the compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal canal in the wrist. It affects women more than men and is most commonly seen between the ages of 35 and 60. Typically it affects one hand, more commonly being the dominant hand, but in severe cases it can affect both hands at the same time. Carpal tunnel syndrome presents as pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the palm through the thumb, pointer finger, middle finger, and part of the ring finger. Occasionally the pain can radiate upward into the forearm, elbow, arm, and even to the shoulder on the affected side. The symptoms can come and go with varying degrees of activity and is often experienced more at night during and after sleep. In left untreated, advanced muscle atrophy, grip weakness, and clumsiness can occur in the hand. Patients may note difficulty abducting and opposing the affected thumb and even a decrease in the muscle size and tone of the thenar muscles of the affected thumb in advanced cases. Certain orthopedic test findings may be present including positive Phalen's Test, Reverse Phalen's Test, and Tinel's but a more evident test to determine if the median nerve is being compressed is by simply applying direct pressure over the carpal tunnel with your thumb and seeing if it reproduces the symptoms. Special tests can be useful in diagnosing carpal tunnel including nerve conduction velocity tests (NCV) and electromyographic studies as well as MRI and diagnostic ultrasounds.

Causes of carpal tunnel are numerous but the most commonly found cause is overuse. Repetitive motions throughout the day are found in many different occupations. Repetitive wrist or finger flexion and extension and ulnar deviation are the most common movements found to cause carpal tunnel. Repetitive fine movements of the fingers as seen with seamstresses, writers, and typists can cause carpal tunnel symptoms to occur. Constant gripping, twisting of the wrists, and back and forth movements are other triggers that are commonly seen in tradesmen, cashiers, and mechanics. Constant pressure at the wrist can also be a cause. This is usually seen with tight fitting watches, bracelets, casts, and bandages. Trauma and fractures can also be a cause of carpal tunnel symptoms as well as certain ailments that cause swelling at the wrist including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuromas, ganglion cysts, and subluxations. Carpal Tunnel can also accompany pregnancy, diabetes, kidney disease, and hypothyroidism.

There are many different options for treatment of your carpal tunnel but this article will focus on non-invasive and alternative treatments that can be preformed in a chiropractic office. Initially, all patients must identify the activities that are causing the symptoms and modify or remove them. If the motion is necessary or work related, a carpal tunnel brace is recommended as well as taking frequent small breaks from the activity when possible to rest. When the pain is severe, ice is recommended over the wrist to reduce swelling. Massage and manipulation by a chiropractor is very helpful to restore proper positioning of the carpal bones and to reduce fixation in the wrist and carpal bones especially of the lunate bone. Chiropractic manipulation of the wrist and the neck, where the median nerve originates, has been proven to reduce symptoms and restore proper functioning. Massage work on the muscles of the forearm is helpful, especially myofascial release and Active Release Technique (ART). Proper stretching will help to loosen up the area which usually entails "prayer position" and "reverse prayer position" stretches. Some chiropractors may use therapeutic ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation at the wrist to break up adhesions, reduce swelling, and decrease the pain. Cock-up splints are recommended in some cases to be worn at night and straight wrist braces can be used at work or during exercise. Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, bromalain, and bioflavenoids have been shown to help and a low salt diet should be used to reduce swelling and fluid retention. Anyone taking medications or being treated for a serious illness should consult their doctor before changing their diet or taking any nutritional supplements.

Differential Diagnosis of Gout - What Causes The Joint Pain?

The differential diagnosis of patients presenting with joint pain is extensive, ranging from mild sprain, joint dislocation, trauma, malignancy, infection, and some life-threatening autoimmune diseases.

Joint pains that caused by physical activities are very obvious and easy to be diagnosed. Examples of this kind of injury are sprained ankle, joint separation, ligament sprain, torn cartilage and torn cartilage. Usually, this kind of pain is immediate and the patient can vividly remember the physical activity that causes the pain at the joint. These kinds of traumatic condition can happen to people of all ages.

Other causes of joint paint that usually affect people of older age are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the result of mechanical degradation of the joints due the years or wear and tear. It usually happens to those who were physically active during their younger years, such as sportsman or those who work in hard labour jobs.

One the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is form of autoimmune disease where the abnormal immune system attacks the tissues around the joints and causes inflammation and pain. The actual cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still unknown, some say it is because of viral or bacterial infections, some say it is because of genetically inherited abnormalities. Extensive researches are still taking place around the world to find out the answer to this mysterious illness that affects a huge number of elderly population.

Although these 2 types of arthritis have very different causes, but they share certain similar symptoms that make them easy to be ruled out in the differential diagnosis of gout. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis usually develop the pain over a long period of time and they usually affect joints of both sides of the body such as in the feet, hands. These kinds of arthritis usually attack multiple joints at the same time and the pain develops gradually.

Another more common cause of joint pain in the modern day is gouty arthritis which is more commonly known as gout. Gout attack is a type of inflammation that is caused by the formation of urate crystals inside a particular joint due to long term exposure to hyperuricemia. Many times, gout is mistaken as one of the above mention arthritis conditions, especially when the patient get the gout attack for the very first time.

Differential diagnosis of gout is very straight forward and easy, here are some of the unique properties of gout that differentiate it from other causes of joint inflammation.

  • Suddenly occurrence of intense pain

  • The attack starts in the middle of the night when the victim is sleeping

  • It usually attack one side of the joints

  • 90% of the gout attacks happen at big toe

  • If blood test is conducted, it usually shows a high blood serum uric acid level that is beyond healthy range

Although Gout is easy to be diagnosed, but it is not easy to get rid this awful devil. Those gout drugs and pain killers can only temporarily control the gouty inflammation, none of them can remove the root cause of gout, which is the urate crystal.

It is commonly known among the gout patients that gout pain is the worst and most unbearable pain in their life. Instead of wasting your money on those expensive tests involved in the differential diagnosis of gout, you should spend some time to understand the actual cause of gout and remove the root once and for all.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thyroid - The Difference Between an Overactive and Underactive Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland that is situated in the neck, right below the Adam's apple. It is responsible for regulating the body's metabolic processes. Thyroid hormones help regulate how tissues in our bodies function. Abnormally high or low thyroid hormone levels can manifest in different ways. Problems can arise from an overactive thyroid or and underactive thyroid.

Overactive thyroid also known as hyperthyroidism is most common in women ages 20-40. Some people think thyroid problems only affect women. But in truth they can affect both sexes. Symptoms of overactive thyroid will be similar in most of the people who suspect that may have this thyroid condition.

Symptoms include: weakness and fatigue, infertility, increased perspiration, changes to menstrual cycles, eye irritation, anxiety, frequent and looser bowel movements, sensitivity to heat, shaky hands, weight loss, increased heart rate, to name a few.

Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism is often referred to as low thyroid. This thyroid condition produces another set of symptoms. Symptoms of low thyroid are a result of a declining hormone levels. The symptoms of an underactive thyroid are: sluggishness and fatigue, weight gain, dry hair and skin, brittle nails, menstrual irregularities, sensitivity to cold, constipation, depression or irritability, headaches, muscle and joint pain, among other things.

Those who have family members with thyroid issues are more at risk genetically. If you know that your family has a history of thyroid problems it is very important to watch for these symptoms. One or more of these symptoms may indicate a thyroid problem. If you suspect some of your symptoms might be attributed to thyroid dysfunction it would be advisable to seek help. Figuring out your thyroid function is something best left for people who specialize in providing thyroid support.

It's easy to see that experiencing any of these symptoms can be frustrating. These symptoms can be dealt with on a daily basis. Because they cause irritation but are not necessarily disabling, patients might feel as if they can just "live with them". It's important to remember that ignoring these symptoms, whether from overactive to underactive thyroid, might have long-term consequences.

If these symptoms are ignored your condition may worsen. Problems can steamroll into bigger problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, anemia or neurological disorders. If you continue to suffer from symptoms of thyroid problems for weeks, months or even years your condition may become more complicated. It is never a good idea to risk one's health. In this case procrastinating would not be in your best interest. You don't have to find the answers on your own. You can learn more simply by seeking help from someone well versed in thyroid function.

Any person is suffering from any of these thyroid symptoms should know that there is hope. By finding an expert in thyroid support a patient can well be on their way to finding answers to their thyroid questions. Finding direction and assistance in unlocking some of the mysteries surrounding your symptoms may help set you on the road to a happier healthier you.

TMJ Syndrome: Managing the Pain

The temporomandibular joint connects your lower jaw or mandible to your skull and is located right in front of the ear. The different elements that make up the TMJ allow the individual to chew or masticate, yawn, talk, and other functions of the facial muscle. The bones, facial muscles, blood vessels, and nerve endings are the components of the temporomandibular joint. There comes a time when problems arise that would cause the temporomandibular joint to cause you discomfort and severe pain. Problems such as headache, neck and facial pain, ear pain, locked jaw, bite problems etc. Temporomandibular joint syndromes (TMJ) otherwise known as temporomandibular joint disorder have several causes. It can be a trauma to the joints and or the facial muscles. A punch to the jaw can cause misalignment, dislocation and damage to the cartilage disc of the jaw. Even dental appointments that involve extended periods of stretching open the mouth can cause pain in the TMJ region. Moreover, chronic diseases like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis also affects the joints in the temporomandibular region.

Early diagnosis of the cause of the TMJ syndrome is essential in developing the most effective pain management strategies. During assessment, you will be able to observe the different signs and symptoms of this disorder. Management of TMJ treatment would depend on the proper conduct of initial assessment. Signs and symptoms you might recognize are pain in the facial and jaw muscles, pain when opening the mouth to chew, talk, or yawn; joint pain that begins from the ear and radiates to somewhere else in the skull and headaches or migraines. Other signs and symptoms to be aware of is tinnitus or ringing in the ears, popping sound when there is jaw movement, swelling of the face, locked jaw, difficulty swallowing, headache, dizziness and nausea. See your doctor immediately when you experience any of these symptoms. Early diagnosis can lead to prompt delivery of the TMJ treatment and better prognosis for the patient. Talk with doctor on preventive measures that will aid in lessening the recurrence of this condition.

If it is proven to be caused by chronic illnesses, necessary adjustments to your treatment regime would be appropriate. There might even be a need to assess for bone density and bone loss and take necessary supplements as part of your treatment. If the probable cause is due to badmouth habits like occasional chewing of gums, teeth grinding and teeth clenching, the doctor might be able to help you by lecturing you on the effects of teeth grinding and having you use a mouth guard when you sleep. Pain management as part of TMJ treatment would also include the use of sedatives whenever necessary, facial massage, heat compress, and appropriate facial exercise. If you are considering availing of complementary forms of treatment, it is best to go through with it your doctor. There are several therapeutic regimens that have been substantial researches and clinical trials proving their effectiveness for managing pain. Everyone has their own preference and the decision to avail of complementary and alternative forms is personal.

To conclude, if you experience facial pain somewhere in the temporomandibular area and is affecting your speech and diet, it is best to contact your healthcare provider and receive immediate help. Early recognition of signs and symptoms helps in early diagnosis and proper layout of TMJ treatment; thus, resulting to better prognosis. You can work with your doctor in laying out the regimen for managing your pain. Therapy could be contemporary, complementary, or holistic depending on your choice, but best if done with your doctor's guidance.

Signs and Symptoms of Inflammation

What are the signs and symptoms of inflammation? This article will discuss the most important things you need to know.

What is inflammation?

What is inflammation anyway? Inflammation is a natural response by our body to any injury. It is the process wherein the white blood cells and the protective chemicals in the body are at play to fight off foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria, and infection.

How inflammation happens

When injury happens to any part of the body, the minute blood vessels that surround the affected tissue widen and dilate to increase blood flow in the area. The pore size or permeability of the tissues also increases allowing blood cells, blood protein, chemical mediators and fluids to rush towards the area.

This accumulation of fluids cause swelling and usually results to nerve compression that brings about pain.

As the blood cells and chemical mediators rush to the area, they bring about various components that function to protect the tissue. This is where white blood cells consume invading bacteria, or where the protein called fibrin starts the clotting process if there is bleeding.

The entire process of inflammation, specifically the increase in blood supply in the injured area causes the production of heat.

In some diseases called autoimmune diseases, the immune system inappropriate triggers an inflammatory response even if there are no foreign substances to ward off. When this happens, your immune system causes damage to your own cells and tissues.

Diseases associated with inflammation

There are many conditions that can be linked to inflammation. For instance, many types of arthritis are caused by inflammation that is misdirected.

Arthritis is a term that is generally used to describe joint inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gouty arthritis and polymyglia rheumatica are some type of arthritis associated with inflammation.

Symptoms of inflammation

Inflammation is characterized by four cardinal signs:

1. Pain
2. Redness
3. Warmth or heat in the affected area
4. Swelling

Some inflammations are accompanied by loss of function and joint stiffness. Oftentimes, only a few of the these symptoms are present when an injury occurs.

Inflammation may also be associated with chills, fever, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite and other "flu-like" symptoms.

Treatment for inflammation

There are many known medications today for treating inflammation and relieving pain. They include:

- NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen
- Corticosteroids such as prednisone (steroid-based drugs)
- Anti-malarial drugs such as hydroxychloroquine
- Antihistamines

Although they work in relieving pain and discomfort caused by inflammation, most anti-inflammatory drugs are so strong that they might potentially cause unwanted side effects in certain individuals. These side effects may include nausea, headaches, diarrhea, as well as cardiovascular problems especially with long term use.

Fish oil supplement for inflammation

If you want relief you might want to ask your doctor about trying to get it the natural way through fish oil supplements. Omega 3 in fish oil has been found to have potent potential anti-inflammatory properties. Taking fish oil supplement daily might provide long-term relief from inflammation without the unwanted side effects for some individuals.

These statements are not medical advice and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Natural Treatment of Migratory Arthritis Using Homeopathy

The natural treatment of migratory arthritis by the use of homeopathic medicines, takes into consideration all of your symptoms. This should happen with all treatments of all conditions, as you are connected to every part.

When one part is affected, all will be to some extent. The medical model of separating each system for treatment means that it is very easy to have conflicting drugs.

Migratory arthritis means what is says - your arthritis moves around your body. There is no fixed place for it to anchor itself. It may alternate legs. It may be in a foot one day, the opposite elbow the next. There is no fixed pattern.

In homeopathic terms, this comes under the heading of 'changeable symptoms'. Which also means that it probably won' just the arthritis that changes - all systems will be prone to a changeable nature. Such as constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

And your moods. They may change from weepy to irritable in minutes. This is so reminiscent of children, but not exclusively.

Homeopathic treatment works by raising the level of your immune system. It does this either by searching for the cause of the problem, often expressed as having 'never been well since' (childbirth, accident, drug, vaccine, shock, fright, grief, injury, abuse, etc). Or by matching your symptoms to those of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine. Preferably both, that that's not always possible.

The homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla is one of the common home prescribing medicines. It is also one of the most common medicines with changeable symptoms - moods as well as physical symptoms.

Pulsatilla is certainly one of the top medicines for the natural treatment of migratory arthritis. Other strong symptoms, related to the limbs, of this medicine include:

  • pains are worse on first motion, better from continued movement

  • pains are better for cold, worse for heat

  • tensive pain lets go with a snap

  • pain is worse for letting the affected limb hang down

  • heat of feet, must uncover at night

Glucosamine Benefits Arthritis Sufferers Significantly by Healing From the Inside Out

Glucosamine benefits have been studied closely in terms of treatment for symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Since the pain, stiffness and swelling caused by arthritis can be an ongoing concern for sufferers, new forms of treatment are always being considered and developed. In recent years, glucosamine and chondroitin have both been targeted as beneficial natural ingredients for the treatment and relief of arthritis symptoms.

As an answer to more invasive and less successful methods of treatment such as prescription medicines, manufacturers have begun to develop products which contain a balance of natural ingredients including glucosamine, manganese, turmeric, ginger root, vitamins and minerals. The main benefits of glucosamine and other natural ingredients are that they target the cause of symptoms rather than just treating the symptoms themselves. By addressing the cause, these products promote healing and provide long term relief.

Glucosamine Can Naturally Heal & Repair

As the protective layer of cartilage which surrounds the joints breaks down over time, the bones are left to rub against each other, causing pain and even malformation of the bones themselves. This condition is commonly known as arthritis. Glucosamine benefits deteriorating joints by stimulating the production of proteins which help the body to naturally replenish damaged cartilage. Since the body naturally wears down with age, it can actually slow the aging process and help the body to heal from within.

While some side effects can be experienced when taking glucosamine, they tend to be much more mild than those caused by prescription medicines. The main concern is for individuals who have shellfish allergies, as this helpful compound is derived from shellfish. But overall, the benefits far outweigh any potential side effects. It is generally proven to be a safe, gentle, healthy alternative for treatment of arthritis pain and stiffness.

Used in combination with other natural ingredients, glucosamine benefits the body by helping to repair damaged joints, removing harmful free radicals and combating the natural wear and tear of aging. These one-step treatments also reduce the need to take several different supplements, not only reducing side effects but reducing costs as well.

Diet & Exercise Can Also Have Enormous Benefits

As powerful as it may be, the benefits of glucosamine can only go so far. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and getting proper exercise are also important steps in treating arthritis and helping the body to heal itself naturally. Reducing fat intake and eating foods rich in sulfur, which helps to repair and rebuild cartilage, can help to reduce pain and stiffness safely and organically. And remaining active and taking off any excess weight can also help the body to look and feel younger and healthier.

While natural remedies offer an exciting alternative to prescription medicines, they should not be taken without first consulting your doctor. Since glucosamine benefits can differ for each individual, you need to carefully research each product and find the one which works best for you.

The symptoms of arthritis can be overwhelming, but glucosamine and other natural products can help you to manage them safely and gently. Pain and stiffness don't have to be a way of life, talk to your doctor today and find out which product works for you. Say goodbye to arthritis pain and feel better, naturally!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Arthritis In Fingers - Diagnosis and Treatment

Find easy to understand information about arthritis in fingers here in order to manage the problem effectively. Arthritis is a painful condition when the cartilages between joints in our body become worn out. The cartilage serves as a lubricant and cushion for the joints. Without the cushioning effect, the joints will rub against each other and cause inflammation and joint pain. Various forms of arthritis will develop in different way which will disable us to perform simple action such as gripping, grasping things and even the strength to move the hands.

A few common forms of arthritis in fingers are psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis pain and rheumatoid arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is related to the skin condition psoriasis which causes pain in the distal joints near the fingernails. Osteoarthritis is the infamous type of arthritis as a result of having worn out cartilage between the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is cause by deficiency in the bones. The patients will feel stiffness in fingers particularly in the morning. It may lead to more deformities of the hands such as the fingers may gradually shift away from the thumb.

The symptoms of the abovementioned arthritis in fingers are listed below.

- Pain in the joints. The joints become swollen, red and warm.

- Numbness and stiffness in fingers

- Lumps, nodules and bone spurs will develop around the knuckles.

- The hands will appear deformed.

- Difficult to execute motion like opening jars, gripping and twisting object.

Arthritis in Fingers - Early Treatment to Prevent Surgery

The patients with arthritis in fingers may escape surgery if early treatment is effective in managing the symptoms. Change of diet is necessary to avoid food which can cause inflammation. Intake of joint supplement with chondroitin and glucosamine may be helpful to slowdown wearing out of cartilage between the joints. Heat and ice treatment, anti-inflammatory medications, and cortisone injections are ways to reduce stiffness and pain to facilitate movement of the hand. Seek consultation and treatment from a doctor in order to receive the appropriate treatment. The doctor may work with a physical therapist to assist you to find a splint to help to support and control movement of the hand with arthritis.

Exercises intended to build strength helps to keep the hands healthy. Regular simple exercises like shoulder shrugs, stretching and shaking of fingers, wrist and arms also improve blood flows and reduce your risk of getting arthritis. Although the pain and stiffness may discourage you to carry out physically demanding activities, it is important to keep your body and hands active. Swimming, tai chi and other low impact exercises are highly recommended for patients to manage the symptoms of arthritis in fingers.

Arthritis Symptoms You Should Know About

Many people have arthritis symptoms and don't realize it. It takes a while to get full blown arthritis. It's something that gradually builds up and before you know it, you have arthritis and are seeing your doctor for medication. Any medication you take does not address the cause of arthritis and will not improve your condition.

If you show any arthritis symptoms, then expect to have arthritis 4-10 year down the road. Typically when people have symptoms, they just ignore them and actual don't recognize them as arthritis symptoms.

Here is a list of arthritis symptoms that you need to look out for. Each person will show different symptom because of the nutritional make up will be different.

* Dry scalp with dandruff
* Dry skin which shows a whitish in different parts of the body
* Ear has no ear wax
* Fingernails that are brittle or splitting
* Premature color change to gray
* Skin wrinkles in the neck area
* Ringing in the ears
* Complexion color is pale
* Stretch mark which appear after losing weight
* Rectum itching
* Accumulation of dried flakes at the corners of the eyes
* Nose is constantly itching
* Feeling stiffness when getting up in the morning
* Hands and legs get cold and clammy
* Bleeding gums
* Teeth have etch lines
* Varicose veins in the legs
* Being sterile

From this list of arthritis symptoms, you can see that many symptoms relate to your body being dry. One of the causes of arthritis is the lack of essential oils. If you lack oil in your body, you will have dryness throughout your body. You will lack the oil that provides the lubrication to the body joints.

You can have one or many of these arthritis symptoms. If you do, you can start at any age using the oils good for preventing arthritis. You can start eliminating those foods that are detrimental to your joints and health. Some times it takes awhile to eliminate specific foods from you eating habits. So the sooner you start the better.

Without the proper oil reaching your joints, your joints will slowly degrade. The cartilage of your joints will be dry and this causes friction. This friction causes heat that will help in the slow degradation of your joints. Because the cartilage has no blood vessels, nutritional oils cannot be directly delivered its cells. Oils have to be absorbed into the cartilage by osmosis.

Look over this list of arthritis symptoms and decide if you have one or more. Remember, arthritis takes many years to appear after the symptom does.

Velvet Antler For Arthritis - Does it Really Work?

For several centuries and in various cultures throughout the world, the use of Velvet Antler persists as an extremely popular natural healing method. In some countries - notably Japan, China, Korea, and Russia - It is widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve the immune system.

What is Velvet Antler?

Velvet antler is literally a type of antler that is collected only once per year from a particular elk that inhabits various farms in different parts of the world. Once annually, the male elk sheds a set of antlers. During springtime, the velvet is regularly gathered by elk breeders which are then later sent to appropriate laboratories.

Note that annual antler shedding is a natural phenomenon, and there is no need to worry that animals are harmed in the process. In fact, the procedure has been approved by animal rights activists all over the world. Because it is produced yearly in various farms, it makes for a great renewable resource for arthritic patients.

Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Velvet Antler has been proven to be particularly effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a condition characterized by the weakening of the immune system which gradually leads to inflammation and other related problems.

Scientific studies have documented the presence of fatty acids, collagen, trace mineral, amino acids, and functional proteins in Velvet Antler. In combination, these essential elements provide a powerful remedy for rheumatoid arthritis as well as a number of other diseases. To date, very few prescription drugs actually cure rheumatoid arthritis without giving rise to some severe side effects and related complications. This is why Velvet Antler, with its natural curative properties, is a generally popular option.

Treatment For Osteoarthritis

In addition to curing rheumatoid arthritis, Velvet Antler has also been known to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It's chemical components, namely Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids, glycosamino glycans, calcium, and various others, have been scientifically proven to reduce inflammation within the human body.

In particular, Velvet Antler contains an abundance of Chrondoitin, a chemical that strengthens the proteoglycan molecules which support the cartilage of animals and humans alike. Because of this, it can be used to effectively restore joint function among osteoarthritis patients.

Medical Research and Scientific Studies

In addition to the various user testimonies attesting to the efficiency of Velvet Antler, scientific research continues to uncover more benefits of the product. In fact, recent studies indicate that the full potential of the product has yet to be harnessed.

To date, various experimentations are currently being done to develop a new medicine based on Velvet Antler with the primary aim of healing both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, but without the harmful and potentially life-threatening side effects of currently available medications.

There are now a number of pharmaceutically available products that are based on Velvet Antler. Users of such products claim that these are indeed effective in relieving inflammation and joint pain. More importantly, these users have not detected any side effects such as heart palpitation, severe mood swings, and others.

How Do You Know the Difference Between Arthritis Back Pain and Disc-Related Back Pain?

Many people believe that getting arthritis and back pain as you get older is just a normal part of life. However, you should know that you don't have to resign yourself to a life filled with back pain. It is important to understand the difference between back pain caused by arthritis and back pain that has been triggered by a disc-related issue.

The Differences in Arthritis and Disc Problems

For the most part, back pain caused by arthritis usually causes a feeling of pain in the morning. In fact, you may experience extreme stiffness in the morning if your back pain is caused by arthritis. Normally, arthritis-related back pain lessens as the day goes on and the person starts moving around more.

On the other hand, if you have a disc problem in your back, you usually experience pain that causes a radiation of pain into the shoulder or arm, or even the back of the leg or calf.

Generally speaking, arthritis is defined as the gradual breakdown or deterioration of the joint spaces in your musculoskeletal system. In most people, arthritis causes a variety of symptoms including pain, numbness, burning, cramping, inflammation and can even cause a stabbing pain in the extremities. There are two different kinds of arthritis called osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

What is a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc is actually a spine condition which happens when the gel-like center of the disc ruptures through a weak area into the tough outer wall. Many times, lower back or leg pain happens when the disc material touches or compresses one of the nearby spinal nerves. It's very important to be conservative in the approach to treating lower back pain as about 80% of people will improve within six weeks under nonsurgical treatment.

If you have herniated disc, the symptoms will vary depending upon the location of the herniation. You may feel pain that radiates down your lower back area into your legs. You might even feel like an electric shock when you stand, sit or walk. Activity will likely increase the pain which is one of the differentiating points between a herniated desk and arthritis. Sometimes, you may also experience numbness and tingling associated with herniated disc.

What Should You Do When You Feel This Back Pain?

Whether you believe your pain to be caused from arthritis or a disc herniation, it's very important to get a complete exam and diagnostic testing in order to confirm your theory. A pain management specialist trained in these technologies can pinpoint the exact source of the issue so the treatment options can be tailored to the exact problem.

Instead of simply guessing that you have arthritis or a herniated disc, it's critical to find out the exact source of the pain so that your pain management specialist can customize a treatment plan for you. By getting the problem diagnosed early, you have the best chance at a complete recovery.

With today's modern treatment methods there is no need to live every day with your aching back. Be proactive and research your problem and the pain specialists in your area that are experienced with conditions like yours. Besides home remedies, there are non-invasive methods are available today so you may be able to avoid dangerous drugs or the risks of surgery.

Hand Exercises to Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful disease that attacks the joints and usually begins in the hands. Typically, the joints of the hands and the feet are usually the first to succumb to rheumatoid arthritis. Hand and finger exercises can help reduce pain and maintain a good range of motion for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Even if you are not diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, hand and finger exercises can help you maintain joint health and flexibility.

Increase wrist joint flexibility and reduce arthritis pain by stretching out your hand. Hold your hands out in front of your body with the palms down. Try to point your fingers and thumb upward toward the ceiling while keeping your palm parallel to the floor. Stretch and hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Hold your hands out with your palms pointed toward the floor. Bend each finger toward the floor from the first joint closest to the hand. Try to move only one finger on each hand. Try to keep the middle and end joints of each finger straight and try not to bend your wrist. Repeat this movement up to two times each day.

With your hands in the same position, palms pointing down toward the floor, bend each finger from the first joint toward your palm. Sometimes it is easier to perform this exercise using first one hand and then the other. Keep your wrist straight and try to keep the middle and end joints of each finger straight. Turn your hands over so that your palms are facing the ceiling and repeat the exercise. Repeat twice each day.

Make an "O" shape with each finger and your thumb. Begin with your index finger and touch it to your thumb to make the "O" shape. Continue with each finger and then repeat the exercise with the other hand. This exercise can be repeated up to 10 times each day.

Hold your hands out straight in front of you with your palms pointed down toward the floor. Spread your fingers out slowly until they are spread as far apart as you can spread them. Then, make a fist without relaxing your hand. Hold your fist closed for up to 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice each day.

Flex your fingers daily to lessen the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and increase flexibility and hand mobility. Your strength will also increase as the joints become more flexible and hand muscles develop.

Benefits of Green and Matcha Tea Against Arthritis - This Tea May Prevent and Cure Your Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis takes place when the immune system attacks itself, affecting the joints (and other body areas) and creating inflammation, pain, swelling and bone/joint degeneration.

The 'miracle' drink benefits. Besides great anti-oxidant effects, matcha - which can be dissolved in warm or cold milk/soy/almond milk with honey (or your choice of natural sweetener) after being whisked to a perfect blend - may be able to help you prevent arthritis or minimize its symptoms. If this is true, this may explain why my constant intake of matcha powder may have, despite being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis very young, played a part in the fact that I don't suffer from any symptoms.

Summary of the Results. Recent studies revealed that the mice who were given matcha over a period of time were showing only minor symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and they all surfaced with significant delays compared to the mice who were given plain water. Further examination of the animals' joint tissue revealed that those who took matcha showed a much lower disease penetration than those who had been given plain water, who showed massive 'penetration' of the disease.

Geographical Occurrence to confirm the positive impact of matcha on Arthritis. Countries such as Japan, China and India seem to have a much lower incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis; basically, it is not as widespread as in other areas (such as North America, Canada or even Europe). Since these 'healthier' regions (and their inhabitants) regard matcha as therapeutic and consume it regularly, it could safely be assumed that matcha's benefits against Rheumatoid Arthritis are real and larger than we thought. At the same time, those 'healthier' regions consume much less red meat and follow a more 'naturopathic' approach to health, which could also be significant in the prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases such as Arthritis.

On a footnote, I now buy all my green tea and matcha tea OUTSIDE of Japan, since European controls (which are stricter than in other continents) have recently found 'excessive radioactive materials' in green tea ingredients coming from Japan. You can read about this on Japan Times online.

Arthritis Pain and Stiffness Eased by Cleansing, Nutrition and Self Acceptance!

Conventional medicine treats arthritis symptoms, not underlying causes, but you can do better than that.

Most doctors consider arthritis to be an autoimmune disease that triggers inflammation, stiffness and pain. There are many variations including tendinitis, rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, lupus, osteoarthritis, and gout. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs focus on treating symptoms, but all drugs have negative side-effects. At the bare minimum, since drugs must be processed by your liver, they'll put a strain on this already overworked organ.

What causes arthritis and can it be helped by natural remedies?

Since the resources of our modern health system have focused on treating symptoms with drugs for so long, no one knows for certain what causes arthritis pain and other symptoms for every person.

However, over the years a body of knowledge has built up that can help ease symptoms naturally and address what appear to be underlying causes.

The best natural remedies start with internal cleansing to remove built-up toxins, with the next step being improved nutrition - eating foods known for their healing effects. The third significant factor, and it could very well be the most important, is to take an honest look at the body-mind connection to your stiffness and pain.

What does 'body-mind connection' mean? There is an important connection between your emotional state and the state of your body's health. Some practitioners believe that a lack of acceptance and love for ourselves is the main factor behind all disease and discomforts.

If you have arthritis, or any condition, ask yourself what was going on in your life in the one to two years before you developed symptoms? Are you open and flexible to considering new ideas, or are you closed and judgmental?

Arthritis has a significant body-mind connection - between how rigidly you view yourself, your life and others and how your body manifests these rigid attitudes in pain and stiffness. Notice what happens as you develop a softer, more accepting opinion of yourself and others and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. If you suffer from osteoarthritis you probably have a tendency to feel victimized and blame others for your unhappiness. Osteoarthritis can indicate that you are feeling unloved and criticized. Instead of looking outside yourself for happiness, love and validation, practice being more loving and accepting of yourself.

If you've had arthritis for years, the contributing factor of a build-up of waste (toxins) in your body's tissues can be removed through nutritional cleansing which, over time, may provide a significant easing of stiffness and pain as your body systems normalize.

Once you've removed toxins through cleansing, you can find noticeable improvement if you practice these 10 healthy eating habits:

*Eat more whole, raw, unprocessed foods.

*Switch to fresh, local, organically grown foods to clear impurities.

*Juice fresh celery and carrots with a few sprigs of fresh parsley and drink daily to neutralize wastes circulating in your system.

*Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties, but take the extract with food to avoid potential heartburn. Dose: 1 tsp fresh root or 1 g. powdered root added to food. Or steep two tbsp. freshly shredded ginger for 15 minutes to make a potent tea.

*Curcumin reduces inflammation and enhances the effects of anti-inflammatory medications. It is the active ingredient in Turmeric, which is used to make curry. Use 1 tsp in your food every day.

*Take a balanced blend of Omega 3-6-9 oils every day to help manage arthritis symptoms. Omega-3 fats from fish and fish oil supplements lower inflammation to reduce joint stiffness. Take 1 g. EPA/DHA oil supplement daily. Increase your consumption of fatty fish and omega-3 eggs. Stop taking the oil two weeks before having surgery.

*Supplement with Vitamin D! A recent study found that women whose diets were highest in vitamin D had the lowest incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D helps balance the immune system. In northern climates between mid-October and the end of March, supplement with 1000 IU daily.

*Colorful berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and two other foods - acai berries and cherries act like aspirin in their anti-inflammatory abilities. Eat as many as you want, unless you have a history of kidney stones, in which case, avoid them.

*Eat more fresh pineapple which contains bromelain, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties.

*Take a good quality probiotic supplement to improve your digestive health.

Note: Consult with your doctor if you take blood thinners like warfarin or Coumadin before using ginger, curcumin and Omega 3-6-9 oils daily.

An arthritis-friendly diet avoids these foods:

*Canned salmon and tuna - acids in these foods react with acids in metal

*White rice, milk, dairy products, red meat, caffeine, citrus fruits, paprika, salt, tobacco and everything that contains sugar.

*Nightshade vegetables (peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, white potatoes). These foods contain a substance called solanine, to which some people, particularly those suffering from arthritis, are highly sensitive. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles and may cause pain and discomfort.

*Iron supplements, or a multivitamin containing iron. Iron is suspected of being involved in pain, swelling and joint destruction. Consume iron in foods instead. Good sources include blackstrap molasses, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fish, lima beans and peas.

*Acid-forming foods which damage nerve tissues such as:

* Manmade and processed foods

* White wine

* Coffee

* Orange juice

* White flour

* Animal proteins

Other important strategies for easing or eliminating arthritis:

*Get regular moderate exercise, which is essential for reducing pain and retarding joint deterioration. Regular activity that does not put stress on affected joints, but strengthens surrounding bones, muscles and ligaments is valuable for many types of arthritis. Bicycle riding, walking, Tai Chi and water exercises are good choices. Avoid running, weight-bearing or impact exercises.

*Do an activity you love such as swimming, a hobby or interacting with people who are joyful.

*Learn how to do Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to neutralize energy blocks in your body. Work with an experienced practitioner for maximum benefit.

*Choose and use positive affirmations several times a day. E.g. "I am loved. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love." (From Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life").

*Honor and value yourself by making your well being a priority every day.

*Simplify your life - get your priorities straight.

*Resolve whatever conflict is stealing your energy and enthusiasm for life.

*Look for and accept the lesson from everything that happens to you - 'good' or 'bad'.

*Forgive others for what they did or should have done.

*Most of all forgive yourself.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Do You Suffer From Migrating Joint Pain?

Migrating joint pain can be frustrating, as well as painful. You start off with pain in one joint area, perhaps treat it at home or go to the doctor, only to have the pain migrate to a completely different area. What, you may wonder, is going on? Joint pain that moves from place to place can have a number of causes, some of which may be difficult to pinpoint.

Inflammation of the joints, and thus the pain that goes along with it, can increase with age and your level of fitness. Overworking your body or working out without a proper stretching routine can increase your risk of joint pain. You don't have to be elderly to have some form of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the primary suspects in migrating joint pain, so don't immediately dismiss that as a cause. Even something as simple as sleeping or standing wrong, or in a way that places stress on various joints can cause pain that appears to migrate from joint to joint.

Joint pain, whether it migrates or stays in one place, may be a symptom of other diseases, so if it is a constant irritation, take it seriously. Some of the diseases are not life-threatening for a healthy individual; the common cold or, more seriously, a flu can cause your joints to ache. However, migrating joint pain can also be symptoms of more serious ailments such as lupus, sickle cell disease, herpes complex and disorders of the nervous system.

What can you do about migrating joint pain? Pain medication is always one option, but if the pain continues and the care you receive does not quite alleviate it, you may want to search for other alternatives. Natural methods to alleviate pain and discomfort, such as a visit to a qualified acupuncturist, gentle stretching and heating pads also may help. Don't do anything harsh or extreme that may make the condition worse, if it is avoidable. If it is a sports related injury, staying away from the sport for a time, or simply easing into it, may cause the joint pain to lessen or disappear. If the cause of your pain is one of the forms of arthritis, good medical care, medication and/or natural remedies have a good chance of lessening the pain.

Whatever the cause or causes of your migrating joint pain, paying attention to it and taking care of yourself is key. Listen to your body and what it is trying to tell you. Working through pain and ignoring it is usually not the best way to go. Once your joints are inflamed, it may take a bit of time and work to bring them back to where they need to be, so make sure you can establish a good relationship with someone who knows what they are doing and that you trust, such as a doctor, nurse, acupuncturist, physical therapist. Once you know the cause of your pain, you'll have a better idea of who is best able to treat it.

Arthritis Treatment: Is It Neck Pain or Is It Shoulder Pain?

The cervical spine- the neck- consists of seven vertebrae which are stacked on top of each other and separated from each other up front by rubbery discs and in back by a pair- one on each side- of what are called uncovertebral joints. These are true joints which are covered with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage.

Right next to these joints, again on either side, are small holes or foramina, where nerve roots from the spinal cord exit. The spinal cord, originating in the brain, runs down a central canal or tunnel, formed by the various elements of the spine. The head weighs about 6-8 pounds depending on a person's intelligence (that's a joke, by the way) and is balanced on this cervical spine column.

Because of the complexity of the structures involved, it is no secret that neck pain can arise as a result of a variety of different causes. Arthritis can develop in the uncovertebral joints thereby narrowing the neural foramina. Since the nerve roots occupy 25 per cent of the volume of the foramina to start, further narrowing can lead to pinching of the nerves. In addition, disc hernation or the flattening of the discs that occurs with aging also can lead to narrowing of the neural foramina as well.

It has been estimated that more than 50 per cent of individuals beyond the age of 45 years have experienced at least one episode of neck pain.

With advancing age, neck pain tends to become more radicular, meaning there is an element of nerve pinching involved.

Pain coming from the cervical spine may be accompanied by pain in the shoulder. A pinched nerve in the neck, particularly a pinched nerve in the upper neck, often presents as shoulder pain. It may also cause pain to radiate down from the neck to between the shoulder blades.

Myofascial pain, pain arising from ligament strain or muscle spasm, can also be a source of discomfort.
Since conditions that cause neck pain and conditions that cause shoulder pain may coexist, it is often difficult to distinguish what problem is most responsible for the symptoms.

Diagnosis is made using a careful history and physical examination. Often times, though, even that can be unrewarding as far as providing an exact diagnosis. Imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography can be very helpful in sorting things out.

The choice of treatment obviously depends on diagnosis.

Physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), brief use of a cervical collar, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises, and injections may be useful.

For soft tissue causes, prolotherapy or injections with platelet rich plasma may be useful. Only in cases where there is significant nerve root impingement with progressive loss of function, or significant pressure on the spinal cord is there a need for a surgical solution.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Causes

As the number of baby boomers grow at a rapid pace, so does the rate of those having to deal with Sacroiliac joint pain. Sacroiliac joint pain is affecting a growing number of individuals. So, just what is Sacroiliac joint pain? What causes it? And what is the best way to prevent or cure it?

Sacroiliac joint pain is typically discomfort that is centrally located in the lower back and hip area. Severe cases of Sacroiliac back pain can spread into the legs and groin. Subluxation of the joint is a common cause of joint pain. This can be defined as a partial dislocation of the affected bones, causing ligament hyperextension. For obvious reasons, these areas are susceptible to inflammation, and discomfort. This inflammation can result from a number of issues. Trauma to these areas, genetics, illness, infection, or even excessive stress can all be joint pain causes. This ultimately affects surrounding tissue as well as the actual ligament. As a result, swelling causes severe pressure on surrounding nerves, resulting in joint pain. These areas are more susceptible to pain when compared to the other areas of the body. This is because these areas are commonly surrounded by nerves. These nerves are connected and extended into our legs and hips, which often results in the spread of inflammation and or pain.

Some of the identifiers and symptoms in determining joint pain causes can be vague ones. Discomfort in the lower back can be identified as a cause, especially when the pain spreads to other areas. Also increased back pain due to small movements, a cough, a sneeze, or other minute issues are often a good indication. Weaknesses in the affected area, numbness or stiffness are also symptoms of back pain. If this is the case you should seek medical advice from a qualified physician specializing in Arthritis or related health issues. For the do it your selfer it is important that you do not try to self diagnose. Serious health issues require serious treatment, or at least analyses. Delaying the dreaded visit to a doctor will only prolong your pain and treatment. The more proactive you are the quicker you can get back to normal.

There are still many uncertainties, when it comes to the Sacroiliac joint pain causes. It is yet to be determined if the pain is a result of the area around the joint or ligament. The Sacroiliac joint irritation can be caused by anything from gout to rheumatoid arthritis. If you are experiencing lower back pain. It is recommended that you sit down with a qualified doctor determine just what may be causing joint pain. After joint pain causes can be determined, along with specific location adequate treatment can be administered. This may include exercises such as yoga, which has had a number of successful results. Medication proficient in eliminating or lowering inflammation. Or even herbal supplements might prove suitable for eliminating back pain. A specialist focusing on joint pain issues can help and provide guidance.

My Wrist Hurts - What Can Be Done to Help Me?

The wrist is a complex joint. It consists of eight small bones - called "carpal bones" -arranged in two rows of four bones each. These two rows of bones lie between the bones of the forearm and the bones of the hand.

The row of wrist bones closest to the forearm consists of the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, and pisiform.

The distal row- the row closest to the hand consists of the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate.

The carpal bones are connected to each other by ligaments. In addition, various tendons attach muscles to bones.

The structure of the wrist allows range of motion in multiple directions including bending and extending, side-to-side, and rotation.

A variety of important structures pass from the arm to the hand. As a result, disorders of the wrist can impact functioning in the hand.

Because of the complex nature of the wrist, there are multiple problems that can develop and lead to wrist pain.

While the diagnosis can be suspected on clinical grounds, generally imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging are required for confirmation.

Trauma is probably the most common cause of wrist pain. This may occur as the result of a fall. A fall on an outstretched hand can lead to fracture of the distal radius, the larger of the two forearm bones. This is particularly common in older individuals who have osteoporosis.

Fracture can also cause fracture and loss of blood supply to the wrist bones. The latter problem causes a condition called Kienbock's disease, or avascular necrosis of the scaphoid wrist bone.

Trauma can also cause ligament tears. One of the common ligament tears occurs in the ligament between the scaphoid and the lunate. This causes pain the central part of the wrist and is aggravated by motion.

The other ligament which can also be torn is the triangular fibrocartilage complex. This ligament actually functions as a cushion at the end of the ulna bone in the forearm (the side of the wrist that the fifth finger is on.) With ligament tears, pain can be accompanied by a clicking or clunking sound.

Because numerous tendons run along the top and the bottom of the wrist, tendonitis is a common wrist affliction. Along the radial (thumb) side of the wrist, inflammation of the tendons leads to a condition called DeQuervain's tendonitis. When the hand is forced to the ulnar side (the small finger side), there is reproduction of the pain. This is called Finkelstein's maneuver. The treatment consists of glucocorticoid injection and wrist splinting. In chronic cases, ultrasound guided percutaneous needle tenotomy with platelet rich plasma (PRP) may be required.

Another type of tendonitis closely related to DeQuervain's disease is called intersection syndrome. Repetitive motion is the usual cause. Tendonitis involving the wrist on the palm side is called flexor tendonitis.

The major nerves that extend into the hand pass through the wrist. The carpal bones are in the form of an arch and form the floor of the carpal tunnel. The roof consists of a tough piece of fibrous tissue called the flexor retinaculum. When there is swelling in the carpal tunnel, the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel, becomes compressed. This causes carpal tunnel syndrome. Pain, numbness, and tingling involving the thumb, index, and middle fingers along with weakness in the hand are the major symptoms.

The ulnar nerve located on the little finger side of the wrist can also be compressed and this can cause numbness in the little finger.

The treatment of nerve entrapment disorders is discussed in other articles.

So what can cause pressure to build up in the wrist leading to pressure on these nerves?

There are many possible causes. These include forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, pseudogout, and lupus. Sometimes inflammatory forms of arthritis can cause fluid accumulation within the wrist that leads to increased pressure on structures inside the wrist joint.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), acromegaly (excessive growth hormone), diabetes and pregnancy can also do this.

Other nerves such as the radial nerve and posterior interosseous nerve run along the top of the hand and when pinched, usually by trauma, can cause numbness and tingling of the top of the hand and weakness.

A ganglion cyst can arise from either the joint or a tendon. These cysts are usually located on the top of the wrist. The primary symptom is swelling. The cysts can be aspirated and injected with glucocorticoids.