Friday, August 2, 2013

What Medical Specialist Treats Gout and High Uric Acid?

Gout is a form of arthritis that usually affects the joints and resembles some similar symptoms with rheumatoid arthritis. It is very common for gout patients to go for a rheumatologist when they are searching for a specialist who can help treat their painful gouty inflammation.

If you are suffering from acute gout and decided follow the crowd to go for a rheumatologist too, you will be getting the same treatments and same result that most of the acute gout patients experienced. You pay more for the specialist consultation, but you still suffer from the awful pain for the rest of your life, never mind about the side effects of those gout drugs.

As a specialist, the rheumatologist will use some high-tech equipments to test your joints in order to confirm that you are actually having gout. The common high-tech (high cost and high risk) way the specialists use to diagnose a gouty inflammation is arthroscopy. It is a procedure where a long thick needle is poked into the joint to withdraw some synovial fluid sample for examination under the microscope. If particles of urate crystal are found, then it is confirmed you are having gout.

Well, the risk of this procedure is that it will expose those poked joints to potential infections due to the open holes made by the specialist. And that might further complicate the patient's condition. The question is whether that procedure is really necessary? When someone has been experiencing frequent inflammation near the joints of the feet and the attacks resembles the common properties of a typical gout attack, and the patient is having high level of blood uric acid, then it is very much confirmed to be gout. What is the point of paying premium fee to the specialist to go through the unnecessary pain just to double confirm it?

If you think paying more for a specialist can solve your gout problem? I am sorry to tell you that is not going to work. The specialists have the tendency to go for heavy complicated procedures to treat the patients. They might prescribe some premium priced pain killers for you that give instant pain relief or they will suggest some other funny surgeries to replace your joints, but none of those high tech treatments can remove the root of cause your gouty problem once and for all. You will end up suffering more from the complications of the treatments.

You do not need a specialist to cure your gout. All you need is to spend some time to understand your gout and know the actual root of the problem before wasting your money on those freaky medical treatments. The root of the problem is uric acid overload, and when you understand how your body regulate the uric acid level, all you need is to return your body to the optimum healthy condition it used to be and it will take care of itself. This solution might very simple, but it definitely cost very much lesser than the 'Gout specialist'. It all starts with a shift of paradigm.

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